Saturday, September 13, 2008

Indigenous Designs

Hybridity sells products from, Indigenous Designs, one trailblazers of fair traded, organic women's clothing available in the United States.

Their labor philosophy:

" The artisan is our most valued partnerships. Indigenous partners directly with organizations to provide training, educational materials, financing and equipment that otherwise could not be afforded. As we continue to grow we will endeavor to connect the company's long-term financial performance to that of the individual artisans. Most of the artisans in the Indigenous Peruvian hand knit work groups live in the south of Peru in surrounding countryside of Pampa."

To learn more about the artisans and workers collectives making Indigenous Designs clothing click here.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Ashley Judd spoke up at a discussion about human trafficking at the UN General Assembly in early June. A women that truly uses her celebrity for good talks of her opportunities to obtain knowledge and to build awareness for the cause as an intense emotional experiences stating:

I have been to 12 countries worldwide and spent a great deal of time in brothels, slums, hospices, youth drop-in centers, in both public hospitals as well as rural clinics. It is very difficult to leave behind people I know are victims of human trafficking. I defy anyone to walk out of a brothel or to walk out of an orphanage leaving those people behind. So I have been making a series of sacred promises: "I will never forget you" and "I will tell your story." I know that the unheard are helped when they are heard.

Help tell a story by purchasing fair trade items at Hybridity.


Photo courtesy of